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For Men Only
(and very busy women)

You have your place but you don't know where to begin

to fill it?


I've got the answer! 

Shopping, rearranging, designing for you!


basic to elaborate

... from

kitchen to closets!

Yes!  Your garage, too!


Best of the Best Designers


Designing Services for Career Men & Women

Upgrading a man's space can be refreshing for the ladies too!

You know the old adage rephrased  "If one in the partnership ain't happy, then nobody is happy"!


Perhaps it needs to be said:

If we make the partner happy, the other partner will be HAPPIER!

This room was a forgotten space - built to be perhaps an office just as you enter the front double doors. My clients used it as yet another conversation area with a love seat and all the trimmings.


ISSUE - they never used it.

My clients held their annual turn at poker night with wine in the dining room over WHITE carpet.

(Need I say more?)


ISSUE: Unused space. 
Prevention: No more red wine sp
lotches on white carpet. 
Result: Happy man...happy poker mates. Proud - so proud. Enough so that
'the party' is  held every month at their home!

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